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How to reach pawna lake camping Details

After Booking Stay at Campsite, we will share exact Location of Campsite with you, just follow that location on Google map to get reach Pawna lake Camping Campsite

You can reach Pawna lake camping by train, by your Private vehicle or we can arrange transportation. we will arrange Pick up and Drop Facility for you from Lonavala Station on Prior Request.

On Prior Request we can arrange cab for you from Lonavala station to Campsite and campsite to Lonavala, which is 6 seater cab which cost one way approx Rs.1200

where is pawna lake camping?

Pawna Lake camping wildlakecamping site is 35km away from Lonavala, 112 km away from Mumbai and 64 km from Pune. best option for quick weekend Gateway it is famous for untouched beauty of the nature.

pawna lake camping map from Mumbai

How to reach Pawna Lake Camping from Mumbai

By Car

Pawna Lake Camping distance from mumbai is about 112km by Car

From Mumbai: Mumbai -> Lonavala -> Andholigoan -> Dudhivare -> Ambegoan -> Kalegoan -> Thakursaigoan -> Campsite

By Train

Catch Train from Mumbai to Lonavala which is just 128KM by train. many trains that run between the mumbai to Lonavala On a daily basis.

Get Down at lonavala and catch cab from lonavala to pawna campsite which is 32KM

How to reach Pawna Lake Camping from pune

By Car

Pawna Lake Camping distance from Pune is about 64km by Car

From Pune: Pune -> Paud -> Kolvan -> Hadshi -> Javan -> Tikonapeth -> Thakursai -> Campsite.

pawna lake camping map from Pune
pawna lake camping map from Lonavala

How to reach Pawna Lake Camping from lonavala station

Pawna Lake Camping distance from Lonavala is about 35km by Car

If you do not have your own vehicle, we can arrange pawna lake camping with transport. for a pick up from Lonavla Railway Station. We will provide you with a jeep that seats up to 10 people comfortably. The transportation charges are Rs. 1200 (One-way). Mention the need for the transportation before one day and we will send you the contact details of the allocated driver in the confirmation E-mail.

For Mumbai To lonavala cab or from Lonavala to mumbai Cab contact 8355874319

INR per/person